Mirael Sorn – Cosmic Documentarian

📌 Full Name: Mirael Sorn
📌 Role in the Mission: Image capture and visual documentation
📌 Origin: Aurelia-3 (A world where art and technology go hand in hand)
📌 Skills and Responsibilities:
- ✔ High-Resolution Photography – Captures images of unique astronomical phenomena.
- ✔ Visual Narrative – Records the mission’s history visually.
- ✔ Advanced Capture Technology – Uses state-of-the-art equipment for scientific documentation.
📌 Personality:
- ✔ Creative and Observant – Finds beauty in the unknown.
- ✔ Passionate about Documentation – Her work not only informs but also inspires.
- ✔ Meticulous – Every image is attended to down to the smallest detail.
📌 Brief and Numerical Information:
- 🛠 Mission Code: FD-2475-AL04
- 📅 Birth Date (Aurelia-3 Time): 2449-03-27
- 🕒 Current Year (Galactic Standard): 2475
- 🎂 Approximate Age: 26 years
- 🌍 Home Planet: Aurelia-3
- 🎓 Experience: 8 years in scientific photography
- 🎯 Notable Achievement: Documented the discovery of the alien structure in the Supernova Vortex.
📝 Note: In Aurelia-3, art and science coexist closely.