Space Command Center
Welcome to the 'Black Hole' Mission Command Center
An epic journey through space and time
Record – Zylar Threx

Zylar Threx – Mission Commander

Zylar Threx

📌 Full Name: Zylar Threx

📌 Role in the Mission: Commander of the Event Horizon ship

📌 Origin: Zeta-5 (A high-tech planet in harmony with nature)

📌 Skills and Responsibilities:

  • ✔ Strategic Leadership – Coordinates the mission and makes critical decisions.
  • ✔ Quick Decision-Making – Analyzes complex situations and executes effective responses.
  • ✔ Inter-species Communication – Facilitates alliances between civilizations.

📌 Personality:

  • ✔ Wise and Serious – Calm in the face of adversity, with extensive knowledge of the universe.
  • ✔ Empathetic – Cares for his team, fostering cooperation.
  • ✔ Visionary – Always seeks innovation and scientific advancement.

📌 Brief and Numerical Information:

  • 🛠 Mission Code: CT-2475-ZT01
  • 📅 Birth Date (Zeta-5 Time): 2230-07-19
  • 🕒 Current Year (Galactic Standard): 2475
  • 🎂 Approximate Age: 47 years
  • 🌍 Home Planet: Zeta-5
  • 🎓 Experience: 15 years leading intergalactic missions
  • 🎯 Notable Achievement: Coordinated the stabilization of the Supernova Vortex.

📝 Note: Zeta-5 uses a different year count, but in galactic standard time, his physiological age is equivalent to 47 years.